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This is where you choose any mortal kombat character
Name: Subzero
Powers: ice
gender: Male
Likes: ice the cold reptile and Scorpion
Dislikes: fire the heat ermac and Scorpion
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Name: Scorpion
Powers: Fire and control the undead
Gender: male
Likes: His friends
Dislikes: his eneimes
Subzero: Hello Scorpion
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Scorpion: hello Subzero what is up
Subzero: i dont know
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Scorpion- Me neither
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
It says video unavailible
what about now
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Still won't work

go watch this link
Gotta go bye