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*looks up* huh?
Slender- Huh?
Insolence wither skeleton: what
u-ur fine? How?
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Ryu stands and goes back to the pizzaria.*
Slender- What the fuck-
Insolence wither skeleton: yea im fine why wouldn't i be
Sabrina: How are you, Ryu?
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Ryu tries not to smile.*

"I'm alright now, thanks."
Suzi Q woke up and got her earrings, ring, and shoes on. She then looked for cleaning supplies and found an bucket of them then started to clean the house.
Sabrina: Good. I've been meaning to ask, how did you get cursed?

Coz ur skull shattered
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Ryu: "Right, we were interrupted before... in essence, there was an organization, MIST, who strived to improve humans through illegal experimentation. One of the enhancements, this aura, was too strong for a human to handle. So they used me, a dragon/demon hybrid."

"Of course, Raidou made the experiment unstable, so now if I lose too much energy, I explode."
Insolence wither skeleton: what do u mean my skull shattered it did not shatter