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Jason: *Smiles* Its beating because! *Blushes*
Eri blushes.
Jason: *Holds her Close* I love you so much!
"I love you too!", Eri kisses him.
Jason: *Kisses her back* So how did that one feel??!
(My whole 7th period, we had no teacher or sub)
(I just Stayed in my Homeroom the whole time)

Jason: What part did you like? *Blushes*
GrimesPenguin GrimesPenguin
GrimesPaidActor2 said: Max: oh sorry I can’t dance * he chuckled * max: your quiet the composer arnt ya 
Christine stopped, turning back at Max with utter shock on her face. "You CAN'T DANCE?! Oh no. no! Tsk Tsk! This won't do!" Christine grabbed Max by his arm, "I gotta teach ya!"
ElonsPaidActor9 ElonsPaidActor9
max: whoa ok then * he said shocked*
(Good Morning)
Name: Eri's device
Description: Eri's strange device that works almost like a cellphone. It is unknown that other Zorians have a device like this one.

(It almost looks like a Game-boy?)

Jason: *Wakes up with Eri*