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Eri moans and smiles, "I"

Jason: *Moans* What makes...You so...~Happy~ *grabs her tits and squeezes them*

" make me happy."

Jason: *Moans, Blushes* ~And every time I see your...Beautiful Face I...Feel so...Happy as well!~ *Squeezes her tits more*

Eri moans loudly.

Jason: ~I'm Going to Cum~ *Moans and Blushes*

"So I am~"

Jason: *Starts Cumming in the Condom* ~Oh Shit!!~ *Moans*

"Oh, Kami!", Eri cums.

Jason: *Pulls Eri into his chest keeping his dick in her*

Eri pants.

Jason: Listen to my heart-beat! *Pants*
"It is beating."
Jason: You know why it's beating?