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(What about Pheobe?)
TheMinecraftGodHerobrine said: Winter nods, and looks at Shadow Bonnie.
Winter- So, what next hon?

Phoebe blushes more.
Phoebe- BLushes- Ho-how strong is this feeling..?
(Check one of the other pages)
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie- Thanks Demon Shadow
Demon Shadow- your welcome you are like my brother Bonnie take my hand Bonnie
Just awnser again.))
Winter- Hey sweetie?
She looks at Shadow Bonnie, smiling and blushing.
Wolfy: On a scale of 1 to 10? a 10
*The machine makes yet another truth sound*
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow Bonnie- Don't take Demon Shadows hand Bonnie
Demon Shadow- why not
Phoebe blushes more.
Phoebe- O-okay.. What other feelings do you have for me?

Winter- Just don´t.
She looks at Demon Shadow, while still holding Shadow Bonnie.
Wolfy: a feeling of... want, of joy, of... a mate...
*The machine makes one last truth sound before dying*
Phoebe blushes more, staying put, looking at the ground, keeping her arms and wings tightly folded.
Phoebe- S-same here..
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow Freddy- Shadow Bonnie how dare you this is Shadow's brother
Shadow Bonnie- he has a dark side
Shadow Freddy- that does not matter this is still Shadow's Brother he has a warm heart
Wolfy: Dang it, I just bought this thing, and I really do love you, Pheobe
Winter gives her wife the Let-Him-Be look.

Phoebe nods, her face going even brighter red, keeping her arms tightly folded, but letting her wings come out partially, partially folding them, not knowing that they look extremely soft and fluffy, looking at the ground, not bothering to move the back hair out of her face, keeping her hood on.
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow Bonnie- no i won't let him be*Make herself untouchable and goes right infront of Bonnie*