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I'm making a title screen for my visual novel, but I don't know how to move the button to a different spot on the screen? Is there any way anyone can help? thanks :)
@SpiderCookie You can change this in the animation timeline (accessed by a blue film-reel icon) of the page you want to have your button(s). There should be a list of assets on the left of the screen. If you click the 'Select' text attached to the button asset you want reposition, you should be able to see a list of animations and commands. The animation/command type where you can change its position is 'Show Button'.

After you have added the 'Show Button' command, you'll see there are four fields you can edit: 'Duration', 'Delay', 'Value' and 'Vertical Value'. The last two are the ones that relate to the button's positioning on the play screen.
    Value changes the horizontal position (x-axis) of your button.
    Vertical Value changes the vertical position (y-axis) of your button.
You have the option of typing the value, moving the slider, or using the presets. Just so you can see your changes on the screen right away, I usually move the slider around first so there's a clearer idea of its position without saving, exiting and entering back into the command settings each time you need to change the value.

You can change the command settings anytime by looking to the 'Selected Asset' (your button) column on the left side of the screen, which has a list of commands you've assigned to your asset.