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Hey guys it’s Sonya,

Remember when I said last week I would stop working on development of the CloudNovel engine and focus on other site/platform features? Welp, I lied, the Empress (DAX) and I had a chat and we realized to make the CloudNovel engine stop at a good stopping point is if we have the following features added:

1.     Buttons clicked state image, button hover sound effect, and clicked sound effect

2.     The handle/knob of bars so they can become sliders

3.     Custom states for screens so screens are just like scenes with pages (for screens we decided to call screen pages’ “states”)

So I basically added these two features in, and I will do some polishing up, THEN THE NEXT WEEK AFTER THAT, I will start working on the documentation. DAX and I are handling the documentation as our next big project, so right now we are wrapping up the CloudNovel engine with last minute additions because we just thought they were really important for you guys, and we didn’t want to wait.

Enjoy the new features you guys! They should open up a lot of doors for you to create even more of wherever your imaginations take you! Have fun! Stay warm, and don’t go crazy chasing turkeys in your backyard!

Fall Mystery Jam is here! Click to join the game jam and start making your fall mystery game! Click here to visit the official jam page.

I changed a rule, for dress up games you can either choose the theme fall/autumn, or mystery. We realized it would be kinda hard to do a dress up game that is both mystery themed and fall/autumn seasonal themed.