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Hey guys, it's Sonya. I'm back for your weekly update on CloudNovel. As promised, we didn't do any new engine development on CloudNovel, instead this week we fixed bugs. We have not started on CloudAvatar development yet, but we made some minor changes and bug fixes to the CloudNovel engine, and the platform in general. Let me list them below so you can see what we did:

1. Drag and Drop bugs were fixed, some minor changes were made to how the mouse drags the buttons.

2. Filters had a bug where you couldn't edit the input text, you can only use the slider, to change the value of the filters. This has been fixed, and now the inputs work.

3. You can now use your free trial to upgrade to premium game types for visual novels and dress up games, so if you'd rather upgrade a game instead of creating a free trial of a premium game, you can just upgrade your game and use your free trial that way.

4. Filters now work on animated spritesheets, both characters and images. Before, once you applied a filter, it would not animate anymore. We also added the ability to remove the filter in the reset animation (for characters and images) because now that animated spritesheets have filters, filters can slow down your game unless you use "reset" and remove it from your animation.

Changes to uploading images to forum

That's all for bug fixes, but we have a major announcement this week and that is uploading images to the forum is now free. So you can upload image files to your forum, and even use them inside your game library. However, keep in mind that everything you post in the forum is public, so if you want to have your image files private, we still recommend upgrading your game to premium to be able to directly upload your files inside your project library. 


Other than that, some general thoughts overall on CloudNovel is that, we will probably start releasing more game tutorials because now that CloudNovel is what we believe, is an overall "complete" engine where you can truly make any game now, we want to start making other type of games beyond visual novels or storytelling games in general. So yes, we will be getting into serious research and development for CloudRPG, our third game engine. Of course, we will be polishing and working on CloudAvatar engine before we start work on CloudRPG. 

Also, @DAX our Empress has been working on making more game tutorials for more mini games within your visual novel games, here is a demo of a battle game she made inside CloudNovel engine:

That's it for this week, thanks for reading and keeping up to date with our newsletter, keep making great games everybody!