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Oooooh boy, today is the official last day of the year, and also our official last newsletter for 2019! As December comes to an end, we want to look back on all the things we have added this month and maybe a brief summary of the entire year.

So what was new? First, we released our documentation. @DAX and I have been working really hard to get this to you guys, since our only tutorials have been the YouTube channel, and most of those video tutorials have been really out dated. This documentation will be the official writing of our tutorials on how to learn the CloudNovel engine, and all the things you can cook up with this game engine.

As per someone's request in our discord, we added the ability to delete your flag folders (flag folders are only available through premium visual novels):

Also, moderators have the ability to lock/close threads as well as pin threads to the top of the forum now. @DAX will be organizing our forum now that this option is available to us.

You can now also select the url handle you'd like of your thread, via here:

And as you can see from the red button that says Delete Topic, you can now delete topics/threads, as long as you're the owner.

Another thing we added in the forum is Spoiler tag and Code tag.

Take a look:

You've read my spoiler!

This is my code, I can type <span data-flag="myFlagName"></span> html in here!

What else is new? We've officially added topic/thread labels:

In some forums, you can now assign a label to your topic or thread. For example, you can assign "Demo" or "Kickstarter" for your visual novel dev log in the Discuss Your Visual Novel forum.

One last thing that we added was forum drafts. So from now on, whenever you type a post in the forum, a draft will be saved just in case your window crashes. You can check it out here in the "Saved Drafts" link:

That's it for the month of December.

I also want to say a few words of thanks to everyone in the CloudNovel community. For those who have been with us since the beginning, 5 years ago, in 2015, it was a long and rough journey. We went through a lot of trials, triumphs, and failures and I have to honestly say, it was not easy. However, we pulled through, and we have survived. Even so, we still have a long ways to go.

There will still be many challenges ahead of us, so for now, let us all celebrate our successes from all the great stories we have created, the successful fundraising campaigns on sites like kickstarter/indiegogo, and even publishing our games to professional gaming platforms like Steam and

We all have a dream, and that is to make games. We are passionate creators, and we want to bring beautiful works of art to the world. It's not easy, but we must follow our hearts. That is what all of us must do, and will do.

It can be painful to pursue your dreams, but ultimately, following our hearts is what will ultimately lead us to happiness and finding meaning in our lives.

So have a happy New Year, and may 2020 bring us lots of great new memories.

Fall Mystery Jam is coming to an end, today! You have 7 hours left! Hurry and complete your fall mystery game!
Click here to visit the official jam page.