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Heyo everybody, it's your one and only Princess Sonya! <3

The start of this month was a little slow, but the last few weeks of April we did some major work on CloudAvatar, our dress up game engine. A lot of work was done, and thankfully, all the new features work perfectly without a hitch. You can now add randomize buttons, link together pieces, and even download your dress-up game to sell on Steam.

So let's begin with the recap of this month:

Week 1

Nothing new this week, other than the Easter Jam beginning this week.

Week 2

The Magical Girl Creator Kickstarter ended and we reached 172% of our funding goal. Hooray!!!

Week 3

Nothing new this week, again.

Week 4

We added save image, reset, and randomize to the button actions in dress-up games:

Also BIG news, CloudAvatar dress-up games are now downloadable and you can sell your games on Steam or, and I literally did not sleep for 1 and a half nights to get this done. It is working perfectly, and I cannot wait to upload my own dress-up game, Magical Girl Creator, to Steam. 

The pricing is 1,000 points for a single download or 15,000 points for unlimited downloads of CloudAvatar, the same cost for downloading visual novels. 

That's all for this month!

Starting next month, I will be going back to work on CloudRPG. We will also be changing up the newsletters a bit so that we will feature more content from our creators to showcase everyone's works. For now, have a good rest of your April y'all!
(hi mrs.Fung)