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"?? you want a mask, which one?"
max: well I mean I dont really care for one but taking one wouldn't do any harm 
"i can give you a broken or taped one so that you don't turn into like a controled zombie"
max: sure I guess but how can the mask control you 
"control me? or just in general"
max: in general 
"there's this like pause you go into after putting on a mask, you have a dream and it tells you all of what it can do and  your commands that it will give you like rules. 10 minutes is how long it takes"
max: oh well I mean that dosent sound to bad
"just the commands are most of the worries, the masks also provides strength to it wearer"
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
*he tapped mal's shoulder* "name and do you want the mask, you were the closest guess" *he held the mouthless mask in his hands*
max: oooooooohhhhh got ya 
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
huh? my name is malachi and s..sure
*he handed the mouthless mask to malachi* "better put it on now then outside"