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Shinto Shinto
im too lazy rn to write the entire story of the first one so far but

important rule 
i am this rp chats owner what i say is what i say

be respectful 

no bullying

Shinto Shinto
Shinto Shinto
part 2 of ___ 
(Did you delete mistress castel?)
Shinto Shinto
yes i will do that each time a part is complete
(Ah, thats why i can’t find it. Do we have to repost the sheets? Also, don’t let slender back here, he changed his name to TheMincraftgodHerobrine)
Shinto Shinto
i thought yall were dating))
(He cheated on me)
Shinto Shinto
 makes sense
Shinto Shinto
seemed like the person to do that
And then he lied about it…
Shinto Shinto
how and why))
(Why, idk, how, long story)
Awww zeref and mavis I ship)