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Ro Ro
Hey~. (O////O)
I absolutely love jokes, I hope you do too. I'm really sorry that I am a bit awkward but please don't be scared away by it. How funny are you?
*thinks to self* how funny am I???? (@_@)
GriwienReed GriwienReed
(lol) Me: Knock Knock. You/other person: Who's there? Me: Lava. You/other person: Lava who? Me: I lava you. (Valentine's day joke.)
Ro Ro
Yas!!! I lava it!
Ro Ro
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you. (suppose to sound like "I love you")
GriwienReed GriwienReed
(Heard that one. lol)
Ro Ro
I still like it! *sticks out tongue*
GriwienReed GriwienReed
As much as I like you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  XD
Ro Ro
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Q. What did the 1st pizza topping say to the 2nd when it got hurt?
A. It's okay. Olive. 
Ro Ro
Oh my word! haha.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Q. Here's another one. Why did the skeleton have to work out? 
A. Because his mom told him to put some meat on those bones.