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Redlightningkid Redlightningkid
How ya doing? You can call me Redlightningkid.

Age: 1.6 Crimson years (Universe I made up lol. Just multiply that by 10.)

Gender: Male. Or so I was told... Referring to me as he or him is fine.

How did I find Cloud Novel: Wrote out a novel and realized I had nothing to do with it. Experimented with Ren'py, but making flags were complicated. Cloud Novel was actually recommended by my cousin.

Obsessed with ninjas and elements. Hence my profile picture.

Obsessed with Ryu Hayabusa. Hence my profile background.

Obsessed with RPGs and romance stories. Hence my tendency to make them.

Obsessed with fighting games. Actually working on one.

Usually do solo projects, but if you need support with anything, you could ask me for writing, editing, voice acting, beta testing, and mediocre drawing.

Also want to start a VN so if you like playing them, look out for something called "Red Crimson."
Welcome! Have fun on the platform!