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QueenReed QueenReed
Hello Everyone!
As everyone knows, I hope so anyways, that there is a site-wide banning where everyone get labeled as Grimes/Claire. And evidence is slowly showing that it was our lovely CEO, Princess Sonya, doing! One simple look at the role-play forums and it shows that Sonya is for some reason incredibly paranoid about Grimes/Claire. I have no honest idea why and her evidence about Grimes/Claire are not very strong as some users back then picked at the site-wide emergency post from July 12, 2021:
Actually, there is evidence that Sonya is not a very good person as another banned user made a google doc about her twitter posts on the official Cloud Novel server and her hypocrisy, she even read it:
And finally, Sonya is censoring forum post about the situation, especially since there was a convention going on but the convention is now over, I wonder how long till this post and account gets deleted and named Grimes. Anyway, if you what to know more, help with figuring out what's going on, or need help using other visual novel engine, you can contact miekamai#6591 to join the Unofficial Cloud Novel Discord where we compile research and help each other using Ren'py and Tyranobuild! I would love to use CloudNovel to make visual novels again, but the creator is just so controversial, that it makes me very concerned on whether or not I should keep using CloudNovel for my visual novels that I've spent years working on! 