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Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
(I will be here in 10 hours)
B: -starts to stir- *groans*
 P: -screams letting his tears fall-
PrinceOfSnakes said: (HELLO)
B: -starts to stir- *groans*
(here lol)
-cuddled into your side-
Mm… -wraps his arms around you and his eyes flutter open with a yawn-
-glances over at you and softly kisses your lips-
-kisses back- *sleep voice* Morning
-smilers and kisses your forehead-
-purrs and giggles-
Mm… -burr yikes his dance into your body while he holds you- How’d you sleep?
(Well SOMEONE time skipped so he didn’t have time for a nightmare. Lol)

(Good i have to many rp's with bakugou like that)

ready to find out the gender
-immediately shifts climbing on top of you and straddling you- …