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Hello everyone!
I recently started making my own VN. There's a lot of work to do ans stuff to learn, especially that I'm still a noob here.
I'm not asking much but I would like it if someone would read my text and say what they think about it and find and correct any mistakes they find. English is not my first language so I'm very self-conscious about it.
Also, I was thinking about simply editing royalty free pictures to make backgrounds but if any artist wants to make the backgrounds for me they're more than welcome.

Here's a quick summary of the plot of my VN: Seven demons (each one representing a deadly sin) are sent to Earth to try to make people commit sins so that they go to hell when they die. The player is a normal human who befriends the demons and helps them.

I was thinking that the player could possibly date one of the demons, but that's not the main thing. It's gonna be rated 17+ for mild swearing and mentions of sex, but it won't have anything graphic and no nudity. 
I'd like to participate as a proofreader/editor! Your story sounds unique because I feel like normally the MC would be on good's side but this MC is helping the demons!
Thank you very much!
I added you as a collaborator to the project.
I don't have much written so far, but you can take a look of what I have if you want.
If you'd like, I can make backgrounds for you. Backgrounds admittedly aren't my specialty, and but I'll always do my best. I can do anime/realistic style and a cartoon style for whatever you need. :)
Thanks, I was thinking about a more realistic style. However, I'm gonna need a lot of them so if they're not your specialty you may not feel confortable with making a lot of them. So it's ok if you don't want to do it anymore, no pressures.
If after that you still want to help, then I'd be glad to welcome you. Just send me a example(s) of backgrounds you've already done.