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Zak looks at him with confusion.
Zak- Uhh, why?
He holds it with his tail.
Keegan: There's a Huge Bounty on him!
Zak- A bounty on who?
Keegan: *Points at Logan* Him!
Zak- What?!! How?!!
Keegan: I'm Still Looking Into That!?
Sally looks at Logan.
Sally- Honey.. what did you do..?
Logan: *Steps Back* I Didn't Mean to! *Tear's Up*
Sally jumps into his arms, and looks at him with the Please-Tell-Me face. Zak looks at Logan.
Zak- Just tell her, man. It´ll be worse on her if she finds out another way.
Logan: I killed Him! *Steps back again*
Sally hops out of his arms, and looks up at him/
Sally- Yo-you killed who..?
Zak gives Logan the Tell-Her look.
Logan: *Sighs* I Killed Suleiman's Son! 
Sally looks at him with wide eyes, and backs up slowly, her ears and tail going down.
Sally- Wh-why..?
Logan: It Was Part of our Mission He Had Something We Didn't want him to Have!
Zak looks at Logan, his alpha marks glowing bright purple.
Zak- You know, I can put the bounty on someone else. Alpha Magic has no limits for alphas wo actually master it.