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Chapter Two is now playable in the demo! 

Also, I noticed there was a delay between when you pushed a button and it actually doing something. That should be fixed.


Added some new music to the title screen which was causing problems for the VN to load. Should be all good now.
Sorry I disappeared a bit, but I'm FINALLY FINISHED with all the CG's so progress is being made.

Here's a small sneak peek of one. Can you guess what's going on in it?

Just added a character poll under my game. Feel free to check it out. I'm curious as to whose the favorite of the characters right now, and how that will change as more of the game gets released.

Hello Everyone!

Just finished Chapter 7 of one of the routes. That leaves only chapter 8 and the Neutral ending to go.

A quick heads up. I'm going to be participating in the summer jam this year. Because of that, this visual novel's development won't be as fast. I'm not abandoning it! I just won't work on it as much as I usually would.

I'll still post updates in the main tab so check those out if you're curious as to what I've gotten done.

Now time for a screenshot! This time from chapter 7 of one of my routes.