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I have taken good care of the horses since I came here 4 months ago -turns into her human form-
(what she looks like but with some old looking farmer clothes)

Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E-goes back to happy and walks inside and sees her and blushes-“I going to go take my hoodie off”
-nods and pets a horse- If you don't mind ma asking what is your rank I am an Omega are you an Alpha or Beta I am asking only those 2 because Omega's are very rare
(This is an Omegaverse)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E”well my dad says I am a alpha but I show signs of his power which would make me a bit stronger than the standard alpha like my dad
you do smell like an Alpha tell me have you ever had a rut yet (rut is an alpha heat)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E”no but why do you ask”
Then you should be having your first one soon Do you even know what a rut is
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
(I will be back in 3 hours I am going to Hershey for my sister to go eat dinner)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E”yes my brother who was a alpha of a small wolf pack got it once”
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
(Back)E”so why do you care about it”
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
(P.s Erin’s brother is gender less but is considered a girl by non family 
Like I said I am an omega so if you go into rut while you are here you will have the strong desire to mate with an omega
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E”ok”-doesn’t notice the scratches and stab marks in the back of his T-shirt-
-looks over- your wounded Sir
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
E-looks at wounds- “so that’s why my back hurts thought it was another back cramp also call me Erin”