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(OKAY- @KatsukiBakugo You are Todo. I am Deku shipped with todo)
(BUT I am also Kiri, while @IzukuBakugou is Kami and they are shipped aswell)
(And he is also gonna be kirishim and I am gonna be Denki)
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Oohhh alright thanks lol))
(Alright let’s do this shit. Again.)
D: -walks past todo on his way to commans-

K: -Smiles as he waits for Denki outside- (to scare him)
-walks outside charging his phone with his quirk-

IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
-Shoto was on his way outside with earbuds in playing music-
K: -jumps out- BOO! (B: I- feel left out T^T)

D: -see’s Shoto and walks beside him and takes out one of the earbuds and puts it in his own ear-
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
-Looks at him and closes eyes continuing to walk-
-screams- Ejiro what the hell bro
K: -laughs- Sorry man

D: Nice music… -Walks with him swinging his arms lightly-
See if I charge your phone again
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Thanks -Accidentally holds Midoriya's hand- 
K: Nooooo I’m sorryyyyyy T^T okay fine. Your loss, the only thing I use my phone for is talking to you anyways so-

D: -Looks down at it and intertwines his fingers with yours then looks up pretending nothing happened-
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
So how are you Midoriya..?