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UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Slowly Reaches them*
Come on hun… don’t be shy
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Grabs them and Gives a Light Squeeze*
*lets out a small moan* that feels nice….
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *blushes and Gives them another Squeeze*
*moans again* ooh…. That feels sooo good
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Massages her breasts* God that's So Soft!
*moans louder* ooh, please don’t stop…. Ooh yes…
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Keeps Messaging Them* You like that! 
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Blushes* Can I put my them! *looks away while Blushing*
well, you still have to clean me.