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GriwienReed GriwienReed

Hey. Welcome to Misfits High. The highs school for all creatures, monsters, and humans alike. Here, we learn, eat, sleep... Basically, we just do what we want. However, there is a restriction to certain actions. And that is to keep ALL actions and words PG-13. Profanity is acceptable, to an extent. Any lewd or inappropriate content  will be reported to the Admin of CloudNovel. Once more, welcome to Misfits High and have a great year.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
*The Principal lays papers onto the large desk on the auditorium stage* Principal: "Good Morning everyone! Please take this assignment and state your name, age, personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, be sure to include your sexual orientation, should you choose to do so. It is not mandatory (Required), but you may state it if you wish. 
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Sighs* Let's just get this over with...
Name:  Xavier Blackheart
Age: 17
Pers. Tsundere
Likes: Baking, Manga, Gaming, Drawing
Dislikes: Salads, Bullies, Country Music
Strengths: Charm, Wit, Looks, Strength and speed of an Angel
Weak.: Death of friends, Sweet Tooth
Species: Nephilim (Angel-Human Hybrid)
"Here"s mine."
race: animatronic wolf
Pers. : sometimes MURDEROUS sometimes kind
weapons: Fangs, claws, Knifes, extra nightmare form arms (in nightmare form), Hypnotism
voice: mix of glitchtrap and twisted wolf(able to sound how he wants)
age: 36
allies:Glitchtrap, Vanny, Glitchwolf, Grim Foxy, Ennard, Molten Freddy, Michael Afton
attack power: GOD
defense power: GOD
job: singer at *Wolfy's Pizza Place*
Dislikes : being called a demon, being punched(eventhough he does not get hurt),Demons
Gender: Male
looks: twisted wolf before he was twisted
lvl. GOD
powers: teleportation, telekenesis, psycokenesis, able to change form to nightmare form if he wants to, super speed, Grim Foxy summon, Hypnotism
Attacks: neck snap, scoop, one tap, death touch, mind break, limboportation, Hypnotism
likes : killing, being called lord, listening to music
eye color : mix of purple and gray
Orientation : straight
Enemies : Scrap Baby, the Glam-Rocks, Original, Toy, Phantom, and Rockstar Freddy
Height : 8ft
Weaknesses : NONE
Crush : NONE(yet...)
Danceing56 Danceing56
Am I too late to join the RP?
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Name: Ace Zero
Gender: Male
Height: 4’11
Weight: 89Ibs
Age: 15
Species: Vampire
Personality: Tsundere, Quiet, Introverted, Artistic, Edgy
Likes: Video games, Art, Sweets, Black Cats, Halloween, Horror Movies
Dislikes: Coffee, Nuts, Mint, Loud people, Brats, Birds, Being called Cute
Sexuality: Gay
Strength: Flexibility, Parkour, Intelligence, Hiding, going Unnoticed, balance, and stamina
Weakness: Animals, Sensitive Skin, Very Dull, Blood, his height/weight, and Spicy food
Job: Student

*Alison pulls out a pen to write* “This shouldn’t be hard, right?” She says looking at the paper

Name: Alison Yukina
gender: female
age: 16
likes: Green, cute stuff, dogs, teddy bears, drawing, singing
 dislikes: Being called cute or adorable, being called annoying, pink, being called an edge lord 
Personality: She will be sweet if you’re nice to her, tsundere to her crush, caring
Sexual orientation:  Bisexual? I think anyway, I might be gay 
 Strengths: Hmm, idrk
 weakness: Still don’t know I’ll have to find out