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* breathing hard * why does this always happen to me.....
powering dowwwwwwwwwwwwn.........

Kyle: ... Uhhhhhhhhhhhh what?
Animatronic: Rockstar Spring Foxy
Abilities: able to run very fast and able to fix any animatronic

History: was a springlock suit from FredBear's Family Dinner and was refurbished to a Rockstar because the program was so sophisticated and necessary to have a animatronic that can help you fix animatronics that you don't know how to fix the animatronics and kids from FredBear's Family Dinner loved so they refurbished it
Kyle: hmmmmmmmmm * checks cams *
Decides to walk around the pizzeria *hmmmmmmmmm let's see
Rockstar Spring Foxy: system booting up
Whoh I did not see that fox there.... Wait this one must be new....
Seems we have some more animatronics booting up every day
*lefty says as he glides through the wall*
Doggy: yeah cuz it is Kyle: oh
Rockstar Spring Foxy: system booted up
Kyle: wait none of you have been introduced to me.............
Rockstar Spring Foxy: Where am I?
Welp ummm I'ma head back to the office
Correct, seems we have some Introductions to go through