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*max and situbi go and get a track suit *
Dennis and Madonna grab a tracksuit as the other student grabs the tracksuits as well then goes into the locker rooms.

[Boys' Locker Room]
"Must you two always do this?", Dennis rolls his eyes as two brothers roughhouse in the locker room.
max: well ya the locker room is like the last place you would want to rough house 

*in the girls locker room situbi gose up to madonna * situbi: howdy there 
Dennis got changed quickly in the tracksuit with shorts and placed his glasses back on. 

"Hi", Madonna said as she got dressed.
*max put the top part on but not the shorts 

situbi: whats your name *she said cheerfully *
"Don't forget the pants or shorts", Dennis reminded Max as he left the locker room.

"Madonna", she repiled.
situbi: ooooo thats a nice name where ya from *she said not knowing the other madonna *

max: ya no im not wearing those shorts *he said walking out behind him
"Here", Madonna said then left the locker room.

A crowd  of students were back in the gym.
situbi: she seems nice *she said happily and forgetting to even put her suit on and gose out side and meets up with Dennis and max*
Dennis looks at Situbi and raised his eyebrow. 
situbi: hay that madonna girl seems nice 
Name - Oni Bisako
Age - 16
Gender - Male
Sexuality - ?
Height - 5'10
Species - Human
Power(s) - Air Bubble
Power(s) Info - The user can collect air in the form of a sphere and control its movements and properties. The amount of gas collected, its rotating velocity, its sharpness and speed, and durability, as well as strength, can be altered by the user's will. The power, however, only works when the user's breath is held due to the air collected being the equivalent of the air collected in the lungs of the user. Once the user exhales/releases their breath, the air bubble would cease to exist. 
Background - One of the troublemaking Bisako brothers, he is the younger brother.

Name - Ni Bisako
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Gay
Height - 5'9
Species - Human
Power(s) - Air Force
Power(s) Info - Air Force gives Ni the ability to manipulate the air surrounding his body. This power boosts his strength and speed by making him more aerodynamic and putting more wind pressure behind his attacks. With practice, he also learns how to release the wind he accumulates as pressurized air blasts. Eventually, he also learns how to hover and then fly. Since he manipulates the air pressure around him, Ni runs the risk of suffocating himself when using this power.
Background - The other troublemaking Bisako brother, he is one year older than his brother.