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*max was driving to school tierd * max: *sighs* man I dont want to go to school 
At 6:30, Dennis hit his alarm and got out of the bed then got ready. He got dressed in this (without the jacket and sunglasses)

(Some nice anime morning music)

(nice ) *max then parks in the parking lot of the school and waited till people actually were coming to school * max: well I got some time to kill *he said while opening the side door and sitting on the side *
(hay ill be right back lol)
He got a piece of toast and grabbed his bento which he prepared last night. He then ran out of the apartment complex and got onto his bike, placing the bento and bag in the basket. He then rode the bike to school.
Dennis’s school bag:)

(niiiiiiiccceeee) *max saw Dennis riding* max: well dang that guys gets around *he chuckled then stood up and closed the sliding door to his van and walk to the entree of the school *
Dennis rode his bike to the bike rack and chained it to it with a padlock. He then grabbed his school bag and bento.
*max walked by the bike rack* max: hay man sweet bag you got there 
“Well, how else I am going to carry my books?”, he opened his bag and looked at his notes which were color-coded.
*max walked over and saw the notes * max: dang well props to ya for actually keeping track of all your stuff *he chuckled* I just do an assessment then forget it *he laughed some morne *
Name - Mr. Jefferson
Age- 37
Gender - Male
Height - 5’7
Sexuality - ?
Species - Mage
Power(s) - Spells - Has the ability to cast magic spells using a wand. It’s weaknesses are it takes away his energy depending on the spell.
Background - He teaches chemistry at the high school and is known as the wizard teacher.

(We needed at least some teachers)
”Disorganization causes me to become stressed out”, Dennis said then looked at Mr. Jefferson pasting by. “Look, it’s Mr. Jefferson, the wizard teacher”, he said.
max: oh ya I forgot about him he's dose a bunch of magic and stuff right ( ya I here ya man  and if you want I can come up with a female character to balance every thing out lol)