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(Like I said, a casket expect that you would two.)
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Nah the bodies don't go in the locker lol, the names do)
(*visible confusion*)
(Well if they are dying, you would need two caskets for their caskets lol)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
this locker seems cursed))
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
What if it is?


Anyway Imma make it
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
well time to put my name in it and wait for death))
(According to Google, chickens have the life span of 5-10 years while rats have a average of two years *Looks at Gen*)
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
((*looks at tired* are you calling him a rat or a chicken?))
(He could be both XD)