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GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Rolls eyes* "This place is odd."
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*rolls eyes* woooooooow so scared
*Cartoon cat expands his arms to grab Reese*
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
oneinamillion said: *rolls eyes* woooooooow so scared
@oneinamillion "So, who might you be?"
*Cartoon cat walks over there*

oneinamillion oneinamillion
“ I’m a friend of Wolfy’s”
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Well, that doesn't entirely answer my question. What is yer name dear child?"
''well well well''
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Mutters*"Stupid cat"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*Pulls out chocolate and gives it to you*

''I don't fell like killing today so take this as I piece of friendship''
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"I'll pass. And it's nice to meet ye Reese. I am Alastor Nightly."
oneinamillion oneinamillion
“Nice to meet you too, now wolfy if you could get off of me that would be nice”
(hey umm @Glitch Wolf can I make a custom character like them??)
oneinamillion oneinamillion
Um I don’t want chocolate