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FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- oh hi kitty what is up i need to go out of this parts and service and not to be afriad to show my face am i right
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- good and you need to show you face will you show your face
kitty: why do i?
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- you have no reason to hide your face i do because i have no face
kitty: showing my face is a no 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- you shown your face to me why not to other people i understand you choice
kitty:i guess your right 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- there is no need to hide your pretty face i thought i had to hid my face but i don't need to hid my face i hope to get fixed
kitty: i bet you will one day 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie- i have the parts but no one will fix me so
kitty: you wannt me to try to fix your face?
i got to go ))
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Withered Bonnie-  you can try to fix me in total like my arm and face if you like
FnafForever98 FnafForever98