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CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Planning for the Lawliet High School story.
So I want to make the first part of the plot and I was thinking like an opening ceremony.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Aight, opening ceremony makes sense.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
So I think I'll relist the characters' appearances here.
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Masaru Takahashi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open?: Yes
Height: 5'10
Species/Race: Nephilim/Mage Hybrid
Power(s): Crimson Aura, Crimson Rage, Telecounter, Weakness Aura, Desperation
Personality: Soft-spoken, Analytical, Attention-Seeking
Background: A kid who doesn't know who his mother is. Though he wants to make friends, he has trouble trusting people other than his father or sister due to bullying, the last incident almost causing him to die. He never goes against authority in fear of what may happen. He also seems to have a completely different personality once his hood is off, though it rarely happens.
STATS (Parenthesis are stats without the hood)
Speed: 10(9)/12
Strength: 10(9)/12
1v1 Combat: 11(10)/12
Humor: 2(8)/12
Friendliness: 8/12
Beauty: 6(10)/12
Shyness: 11(3)/12
Intelligence: 12(9)/12

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Cassie Takahashi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Polyamory Open?: No
Height: 5'6
Species/Race: Nephilim/Mage Hybrid
Power(s): Crimson Aura, Telecounter, Swift Phantom
Personality: Outgoing, Attention-Seeking, Protective
Background: Has no idea who her mother is, and has no desire to meet her. Spends a lot of time with her father, and is very defensive of Masaru.
Speed: 12/12
Strength: 6/12
1v1 Combat: 9/12
Humor: 8/12
Friendliness: 10/12
Beauty: 7/12
Shyness: 2/12
Intelligence: 7/12

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Aika Ito
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open?: Yes (But that doesn't stop her from getting jealous if one member gets more attention.)
Height: 5'4
Species/Race: Ninja
Power(s): Limb Lockdown, Byakugan, Finality
Power(s) Info: Limb Lockdown locks a limb in its current position for 15 seconds when she hits it. Anything attached to it can still move that limb around, but the limb itself cannot move itself. Overuse can cause cramps.
The Byakugan allows the user to see around them in a 360 degree vision except for a small spot on the back of the neck. The user will lose energy twice as fast while active.
Finality increases the user's Speed and Strength to 12 when they are under 25% health. For each minute this is activated, the user loses 1% of their MAXIMUM health. If the user is healed above 25% of their health, Finality will deactivate.
Personality: Shy, Soft-Spoken, Self-Demeaning
Background: The weakest teenager of the Ito Clan. Although she trains hard, she never seems to make much progress. Akane constantly puts her down for this.
Speed: 6(12)/12
Strength: 3(12)/12
1v1 Combat: 7/12
Humor: 3/12
Friendliness: 12/12
Beauty: 10/12
Shyness: 12/12
Intelligence: 5/12

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Yin + Yang Iyoa

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Angelica Angelle

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Negan Voltswagen

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Not really a villain but an foe

Soul Eater

So the site we can't use pictures in the roleplay thread but we can use this for photos of locations. 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed