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When trying to search through my scenes, I ended up locking the search results as if what I previously typed in was still there. I tried reloading and leaving, but the issue still persists. I wanted to search something else, but it seems like there's an invisible S stuck in the search bar that I can't delete. So now there's a card on the wrong layer that's sitting on top of another one and I can't change it haha. I'll go double check and make sure it's still broken, but hopefully it's a simple fix if so.

Actually it looks like every scene besides the ones left in the search bar simply cannot be searched. Apparently, scenes added after this can be seen in the list regardless of whether it contains an S or not. Also, I haven't been able to replicate the bug anywhere else, no matter what I tried. Legacy's scenes list is still busted though, even though they are still visible in the main area.
Hello, could you send me a screenshot? I'll look into this for you.
@Sonya Here is one which I think shows what I'm talking about. Despite 'Facade' having a clear F in it, typing that brings up nothing (and of course it isn't the only scene with an F in it haha). The full list with nothing typed in only has a handful of scenes that I added afterwards. You can also go inside and have a look if you'd like, since this is in Legacy.
I'll fix it sorry it took so long to respond