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Please use labels wherever it is appropriate. You are allowed to add as many labels as you wanted but it will look ugly so I recommend you use only when it is related.

Labels that are listed below can only be used one at a time.

  • In Progress - The project has NOT been published and you are still working on it.
  • Demo - Demo has been published.
  • Ongoing - The project has been published and you will be updating new content within the next 3 months.
  • Hiatus - The project is postponed due to various. It is not dropped but you are unable to update it soon.
  • Discontinued - The project will no longer be worked on. 
  • Completed - The project is completed.

If you are pgoing to launch a crowdfunding campaign for your project very soon, you may add Kickstarter or Indiegogo labels to your thread. Only use these labels when you have mentioned the campaign in the thread. If you are just *planning* to create a campaign, do not use the label.