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The support forum is only open to premium members who are subscribed as either a Ninja or Sakura member. 

If you need support, you can send a message to any of the staff members and one of us will assist you:

@Sonya - Owner of website, she is usually very busy, so I do not recommend messaging her first, just last resort
@Cybunny - Me, I am the main forum staff moderator, and usually I am the one policing the forums
@WineChan - Second moderator, she is also recommend to ask for help, but Cybunny (aka me) is the best person to message first
@RedVelvet - Newest moderator to join the team. She will be hosting community events and creating tutorials in the community forums.

Thank you for reading

We hope this clarifies why many users cannot post a thread/topic here, as this is a public forum. Thank you for your understanding!