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PastelGrimes PastelGrimes
(If i find more good ones, I’ll post them. I saw a lot about mojang and vertical slabs.)
(This is me. Def me. And maybe Aoi too.)

(also me.)

Chanler202508 Chanler202508
(Please stop… honestly, it’s embarrassing…)
( the doodle bob one is funny XDD)
(Hey I'm back!)
Keegan: *Rummages through his Locker*

John: *Stands there with him*
Gaara walks past them both, heading to her class
* Charlie behind a bit walked past them to * Charlie: hay your this kid that fell infrount of that sand girl right 
John: *Blushes till Charlie Talks to him and Sighs in embarrassment* Yes!!

Keegan: Hey, Don't Be too hard on yourself!
Charlie: im guessing you like ol sand dune huh * she chuckled*
John: *Sighs* I guess so!

Keegan: *hands John two No. 2, Pencils*

John: *Takes them* Thanks?
Punch stood by his desk, afraid to sit down.