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Citrine421 Citrine421
Welcome to the End of the World!
Or well... the world's about to end. In the meantime, the supernatural entities of Heaven and Hell must do their best to blend in with human society until the Last Judgement. We can't let the humans know the End of Days is coming, right?

  • Please introduce your characters with a brief character sheet.
  • Since we are going to be dealing with supernatural entities here, please clarify your species and Heaven/Hell alignment.
  • Indicate speech with "quotes" actions with *asterisks* and out-of-character conversation with double brackets))
  • Be a decent human being please. Even if you're roleplaying a big scary demon or something, let's not intentionally hurt people's feelings.

Citrine421 Citrine421
So yeah, welcome to the brink of the world's destruction!))
Citrine421 Citrine421
Name: War
Gender: Female
Species: Horseman of War
Age: 43
Occupation: Bartender
Personality: Flirtatious, quick-tempered, slightly bi-polar
Likes: Acts of (justified) violence, pretty clothes, watermelons
Dislikes: Long lineups, being told what to do
Relationships: Plague (husband), Famine (child), Death (brother)

Name: Famine
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Horseman of Famine
Occupation: Schoolchild/harbinger of famine
Personality: Spoilt, demanding, mischievous
- Food
- Money
- Magic 8 balls
- Rules for thee
- Potatoes
- Rules for me 
Relationships: Plague (father), War (mother), Death (uncle)
Name: Plague
Gender: Male
Species: Horseman of Plague
Age: 45
Occupation: Engineer
Personality: laid-back, little dense in ye olde noggin, sleep-deprived
Likes: Dad jokes, funky colour combos, organized files.
Dislikes: Reading, Smoke, unclear instructions. 
Relationships: War (Wifey), Famine (child), Death (brother-in-law)
Citrine421 Citrine421
"Oh, welcome home from work, love!"
*long sigh* "hi, dear. How was everything at the bar?"
Citrine421 Citrine421
"Business as usual. Gonna have to buy more stain remover though, someone thought my white blouse was a little too white tonight."
"Ah? Don't tell me you stained their face an ugly colour as well? The place already has some hilarious reviews yknow." 
"Hey, you little brat. You need something?"
Citrine421 Citrine421
"M-me? I would never." *fidgets nervously*
Sau said: "Hey, you little brat. You need something?"
@Sau "Money please father" 
Citrine421 Citrine421
"What exactly are you planning to spend the money on sweetie?"
"I gave you a crisp 20 a couple days ago? Where's that gone?"