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* max gose to the school and he enters the front door as quiet as he could *
(I'm in speech then band so I'll have to roleplay later)
(But I'll roleplay what I can)
*Crystal hears Max and got her pistol out*
PastelGrimes PastelGrimes
Name: Justice Williams
Personality: Mainly Takes care of herself, She is very Honest, Strict, and Tidy, and She can be mean at some points, but wouldn't throw others down for no reason whatsoever, only ever doing so if it means that she barely lives. 
Strength: Decently Strong physically, Very strong emotionally
Age: 23
height: 5'7
skills: State Champion in Shooting, and is Resourceful.
likes: Fishing, Playing games, and Daydreaming
dislikes: Snobby people, Not being able to find good shelter she could stay in for at least a month, and Corpses
max: well seems quiet enough * he said slowly closing the door behind him and he started to walk around *
*Crystal saw the man and hid in one of the classrooms near buy*
* max starts checking through some lockers and then starts checking the class rooms 
BreonaElon BreonaElon
(Ok just to let everyone know I have 2 accounts so one has a photo of a pretty girl and one won't so. I'm still the same person) 
#Crystal and Old Staff
BreonaElon BreonaElon
*Crystal had her gun ready and her sat quietly*

max: hello is anyone in here * he said quietly calling out 
BreonaElon BreonaElon
*Crystal stepped out of the classroom*
Crystal: Yea, now ARE U CONTAGIOUS?!?
* max held his hands up * max: no im not 
BreonaElon BreonaElon
*Crystal put her pistol away still eyeballing the man*