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welcome this is not just a a rp server it is also a talk server like by doing this <> is your normal talk   

example < hay guys how do you feel about bakugan gegon rising>
(narrator) episode 1 Rilly finds his friends, story growing up rilly never really had friends only  one his name is jaden jaden on the other hand had meany friends but thay were just called friends  but rilly on the other hand was a real friend always helping him if nessery if he was bulled he wanted to help fight or no fight not forgetting about  his birthday  saying happy birthday giving him presents but this year would be different usuly thay help each other in class but his parents had to move but thay had phones so once a week  thay would each other telling jokes  there week this would go on for 30 mints to 1 hour then jaden had to go to work untell one day thay both found ...           
rilly fast: j-j jaden  is that you
<may i be an original character?>