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Hi, Welcome to my first Role Play!
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Name: Asheon
Gender: Male
Height: 4'0
weight: 89Ibs
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: uhh depends?
Style: Emo most of the time
Likes: Depends
Dislikes: Depends pt.2
Favorite animal: Foxes and Cats
Favorite thing: Depends pt.3

Name : Archticuno 
Gender : Male 
Height : 4’3
Weight : 84lbs
Sexuality : Pansexual
Personility : Idk. (WIP)
Style : anything blue or white
 Like : Ice (WIP)
Dislike : Fire (WIP)
Favorite animal : Fox
Favorite thing : Depends 

XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Asheon: *Lay's in tree looking around*

Archticuno : *flying around*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Asheon: *He looks up seeing Archticuno, he went into stealth mode hopping from tree to tree following him quietly going unnoticed*
Archticuno: *flys down and perches on a tree*
Archticuno: *cleans feathers*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
*He went into Sneaky mode and crouched down, he stealthy watched Archticuno. His tail wagged behind him but low enough so Archticuno didn't see. He wiggled a little bit before pouncing onto him picking him up in mouth. He started walking off holding him by his scruff back to his little tree perch home.*
Archticuno: *caws and releases cold air*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Asheon: *He shook his head to get rid of the cold air still holding onto his scruff. He started to pick up pace and quickly got back to his tree perch home*
*caws and flaps wings angrily and releases more ice and cold air*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
*Continues to jump from tree to tree and eventually gets back to his spot. He curled up with Archticuno licking his feathers cleaning them better as a sign of comfort and curiousness of him*
*caws and looks at Asheon*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
*He finishes and lets him go. He sat like a normal cat with his tail wrapped around himself watching Arch*
(Ima just call you arch sense the name is messing with my head and making it hard for me to understand and read)