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“That’s nice”
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alice "Shut. up!"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
“...” *work*
(im not talking cause i was asked to shut up)
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
(I'm gonna go now cuz im tired)
Name: Wolfy
Alias: Mech-hawk
age: 13
Race: siren(ERIDIAN)
looks: 13 yr-old with mechanical right arm and siren tatoos on the ENTIRE left side and purple eyes and black slicked-back spiky hair
Enemies: HYPERION, MALIWAN, The Calypso Twins
Allies: The Crimson Raiders
Abilities: Phase-Shift, Phase-Walk, Phase-Port
Weapons: Sniper Rifles, Knifes, LMGs
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion