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"...ok...well..." *goes over and starts moving the body* "...why me...why today" (whats ~ do?)
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
(it means they r saying it in a sneaky way)
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Kaitlyn *runs over and snatches body* "DO NOT TOUCH IT'S FOR SENPAI"
*jumps back* "o-ok...umm..." *looks at the others* "what the devil is all this about?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alice "you expect me to know?"
"yes i all seem to know each other, so id think you'd know what this...*nodges the body with his foot* about..."
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Kaitlyn *death stares him* "What did i say about the BODY!"
"u-u-u-ummm..." *steps back a bit*
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Elice "Don't mess with the yandere~~"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alifur "we need to g-" Alice " We can stay longer Alifur he has questions"
"i-i mean if you need to go then you long as they wont come after me"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alifur "they will~~~"
"o how lovely...well its up to you i have a spot were you can stay for now" *moves away from the body*