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"well that's some great illusions and holograms...why did you stop us?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alifur *readys a knife and points it at the gaurd* "sooo fighting it is?
"no thanks...i just want to go"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Gaurd "these are no holograms " *pushes graham into tree*
"ow...really im here trying to obey the law...there pointing a knife at you"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alifur "Shut up. Knife pile annishiate!" (knife pile is kinda like floating knifes pointing at multipul people)
(k) "ok ok ok...see my point...can we stop with the holograms?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Gaurd "You really are stupid these are real"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alice "C-can we stop now?!"
"if im stupid what the hell are you?" *pokes tree* "there's...a tree here why is there a tree?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Elice "Wow he really is dumb..... WE ARE IN A FOREST!"
"well i know that but there wasn't a tree here earlier, and again if im dumb what are you?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Alice  "hah Elice is the opitamy of ARROGANT!"
" know what officer?"
Alice9kayla8alifur10billion Alice9kayla8alifur10billion
Gaurd *grabs graham and pushes to ground* "don't try anything"