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"well thats not needed"
(tacocat spelled backwords is tacocat)
Alifur "Bleh"
*presses a key on his keybored as a goat noise plays* "bleh indeed"
Alifur *levitates Graham upside down to annoy him* "Bloop"
"ack-..." *sighs* "why...just why"
Elice *appears again* "HAH"
"...can you just...put me down now..."
Alifur "Ok~" *Drops on floor*
"ack-" *lies there and groans, eyes flickering*
Alice "Screw you all"

Alifur *laughs and points at Graham*
"Are you okay"
*his eyes flicker to bright blue and he looks around* "..." *0-0*
Alifur "OH he's blue now!" *👁👄👁*