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*Mochi approaches Rhino*
Mochi: Oh? Who is this?
*Jesse darts out of the room and outruns all the guards*

Lux:You ok Yamico?

Rhino: I'm Rhino
*Mochi tilts her head at Rhino*
Mochi: Why are you in the city?
Rhino:To smash
*Mochi laughs and then makes a giga chad face*
Mochi: What do you mean by that?
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Chad gets hit to the ground as Jesse runs chad gets beaten while on the ground*
*Halo beats up the people beating up Chad*
*Uzami walks in*
Uzami: What's going on here?
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
?:Halo stop he freed the hostage he needs to learn
Halo:He's fucking 10 years old
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Chad gets up*
?:Halo run
*A darkness falls over Chad and in what seems like a second  chad kills the person doing the spell then unleashes rainbow letting out a roar that's heard by everyone within 5 miles
*Halo turns into a shadow and hides*
Name: Uzami
Symbiote name: Takii
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5"11
Weight: 145
Symbiote stats: Controls demonic presence
Other: Parents both dead, Father died in war, Mother killed herself