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Uploading sounds into the project’s library.

  1. Open your project’s library and choose Sounds.


  2. Click Add a Sound.


  3. Name the image and enter the image URL. More information about the asset URL can be obtained in this post.

    If you are using the Premium version, you can upload the sound directly from your device. Click Choose File and select the images you want to upload from the device.

Working with Sounds in a scene

  1. Open a scene.


  2. Make sure you have added pages into the scene. Select a page.


  3. Click the Add Assets button and choose Sounds.


  4. Drag and drop the sounds into the scene. The sound will not automatically play if you just drag and drop. There are several extra steps you need to do.
  5. Select a page and enter the timeline editor. Click on the blue button to enter.


  6. Select a sound asset. This will open new panels.


  7. Determine how will you play a sound.

    Background Music - Recommended animation: Loop/Fade in
    With a loop, it will continuously play the sound in a loop.

    Sound Effect - Recommend animation: Play
    The sound will play once and stop.

  8. After you determine the usage of the sound, look at Animations and Commands panel and add the animation you have chosen by clicking Add to Selected Asset button.


  9. Click Save Changes.

Stop playing a sound in a scene

  1. Select a sound.


  2. Choose Stop and add the animation to the sound. This will ensure the sound stop playing.