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You have finished creating your visual and now you are ready to publish them on CloudNovel online platform.

First of all, go to Settings. You need to make sure you are truly ready to publish the game.

Here are several checklists you need to beware of before publishing your visual novel to the world.

  1. Check your visual novel name properly. It should not contain words such as test in the context the visual novel is a test project, or else it might be disapproved.


  2. Have you added a description? A good description attracts people to play it.


  3. Give credits where it due! Google Images or Youtube is not a proper attribution. Be thankful to those who have given you resources to make this possible.


  4. Make sure you have uploaded a Cover Image and several screenshots of your game to interest people. 


  5. Add related genres to your visual novel. This will ease the player to search for your visual novel.


  6. Is your game have the main character pursuing somebody? If so, you can tick one or more or all related types!


  7. Tags are optional but fun!


  8. Select the Maturity of your visual novel. Please rate it properly because it is important.



  9. Is your visual novel still ongoing or completed? Select the appropriate status.



  10. Last but not least, the State of your visual novel.

    If you want it to be published publicly, choose Public. Remember, your visual novel will need to go through and get approved by CloudNovel if you wish to publish it publicly.

    If you only want to share your works among your close friends, choose Unlisted. Your visual novel will not be listed anywhere of the site but you can share the link with your friends. Also, there is no need for your visual novel to go through the screening process.

    If you only want to publish it for yourself, choose Private. Your visual novel can only be accessed by you and the link is not shareable.


  11. After you have confirmed everything, click the CloudNovel logo to go to the dashboard.


  12. Finally, click Publish!


  13. Now your project is published!

After publishing, you can still edit your work. The changes you made will be published unless you click the Publish button again. However, if you change or delete the assets from the Library, it will be automatically updated because your asset source is in the library.