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Uploading a Piece to the Library

Now that you’re ready to create your first dress-up game, let’s learn how to upload an asset resource into your project’s library.

Go to Library Section

At the moment, your screen probably looks like this. Currently, you are in the Build section, however, to add a new asset, you’ll need to go to the Library section.

To do this, please take a look at the top navigation bar right here. There is a ‘Library’ tab up here, click on it!

Adding a Piece

If you load the Library section properly, it should look like this.

Next, we need to add our first piece. First, click on this button.

Second, name your first piece. Optionally, you can write a description too.

Lastly, click the blue button that said 'Add Piece'

Adding Image in the Piece

Now that you've added a piece, you'll be able to upload your first image asset for your dress-up game!

Click on the piece you've just created.

It'll open up this window, click 'Continue' to proceed.

You'll find your screen looks the same as before you added your first piece. Do not fret! You may look at the page navigation. If it said "Pieces / 'The name of your first piece'", you are on the right track!

Click on the Add a Piece again.

This time, the box that appears on the top is slightly different. Unlike before, you'll have an option to choose between 'Add a Piece' or 'Add an Image'.

Since this time we want to add an image, please choose 'Add an Image' between the two options.

Now, depending on your project type, you'll have two methods of adding an image.

Two Methods of Adding an Asset

❏ Method 1: Using the link from the third party-hosting website (Available in both Free and Premium projects)

If you use a Free project, this is the only method available to you. You'll need to upload your image on a third-party hosting website and copy and paste the link on this box.

Then, click on the 'Add Image' button.

Please do not forget to name your piece.

Wait for them to upload and that's it!

Due to certain circumstances of which you can read in this announcement, we're no longer inclined to recommend any third-party hosting website, thus we recommend you to try the second method.

❏ Method 2: Direct Upload (Available in the Premium project only)

If you have a Premium project, this is the method we most recommended for all our users.

Make sure you've chosen 'Upload From Computer' and click 'Choose File'.

Then, choose the image you want to upload. Additionally, if you wish to upload multiple assets at once, you can hold Shift and click on the file that you wish to upload.

Click 'Add Image' once you're done.

Now, all you need to do is wait till all the files are uploaded.

That's all for this post, I hope to see you again in the next post, TIPS: Organizing Pieces in the Library.