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TIPS: Organizing Your Pieces in the Library

Adding Pieces into another Piece

Welcome to another page of this CloudAvatar documentation. Last time, we learned how to add pieces into the library but did you know that you can also add pieces into another piece?
Let's learn how to do that and how it will be useful to you.

To add a piece into another piece, all you have to do is click on a piece that you wish to have another piece inside. This is what we call a 'root piece'.

When you're inside a root piece, click the 'Add a Piece' button to start.

Now, this dialogue box will appear, and please look at this option. There are two choices that you can toggle, either 'Piece' or 'Image'.
Click on the 'Piece' to toggle it.

Start naming your 'branch pieces' and click 'Add Piece'.

Next, you will just follow the last tutorial on how to add images to your pieces.

When Should You Use Root Pieces and Branch Pieces?

Now, you may be wondering, what is the practical use of having a piece inside another piece?

It's actually a very crucial step because it will affect the progress of building your dress-up game.

Let's say you have multiple variations on certain parts of the model. For example, the hair.

You wish to have multiple hairstyles on your model and for each hairstyle, it will have a set of color variations.

This is when using root and branch pieces can be helpful to your situation.

You may want to organize your pieces in the library like this:
Front Hair (root piece) > Hair Color (branch pieces) > Hairstyles (images)

You don't have to follow exactly as above. It depends on how you organize your assets when exporting them on your device.

Example of adding pieces in a piece

Oh, as mentioned in the previous documentation that will help you prepare your assets before uploading them into the engine, it is important to create two root pieces for hair. One for front hair and another one for back hair.